

¡Our first Pop-up Store!


December 17 and 18, 2022. We took advantage of the launch of the new RAW textile collection to organize interactive activities for families at Decathlon Coruña in Marineda City.

The weekend opened with a round table entitled ”Sport and Sustainability” moderated by the founder of Ecoballution and professional basketball player Carlos Martinez and with luxury speakers: Monica Martinez (Councillor of sport A Coruña), Cesc Viladoms (director Decathlon Coruña), Rosa Isabel Rodriguez (President Association of redeiras Illa da Estrela) and Andrea Gonzalez (Founder and creative director Kohetex).

The Councilor for Sport of A Coruña, Mónica Martínez, emphasized ”the importance of public institutions and sport in raising awareness of sustainable and environmental issues”, while Cesc Viladoms agreed with Carlos Martínez and Andrea González that ”we are more aware than a year ago and less than a year from now, although there is still a difficulty to market circular economy or sustainable products because of the difference in price with new or less responsible products”.

During the two-day event 850 young and not so young people were encouraged to participate in contests, games with baskets and raffles organized by Ecoballution at the entrance of Decathlon. Two years after our birth, we have already recycled and restored more than 6500 kilos of marine waste to transform them into handmade sports nets. Rosa Isabel Rodríguez commented on the opportunity that Ecoballution’s initiative represents: ”after 40 years working as redeiras, this means that we can reinvent ourselves”.

Round table on sports and sustainability.