
The econets shine in the Endesa Mini Cup

The econets shine in the Endesa Mini Cup

Ecoballution agreement with ACB and Endesa so that this year’s Mini Cup 21/22 is played with the econet basketball. The baskets of the highest ACB quarry competition will wear unique basketball nets made from marine waste and restored by hand by the Galician...
Presentation Gala Endesa League 2021/22

Presentation Gala Endesa League 2021/22

The 2021/22 Endesa League was inaugurated last Tuesday, September 7, with the Official Presentation at the Endesa headquarters in Madrid. A member of each ACB team participated in it, we were able to teach Ecoballution from within, from the redeiras workshop:...
Do you know the cultural project “Rampa”?

Do you know the cultural project “Rampa”?

This is a novel initiative promoted by Miguel Ángel Belnchon “BElin”, a graffiti artist and plastic artist of international projection, and the Mexican artist Ana Karina Cruz. More photos of Ecoballution in its exhibition space by clicking...
We collaborate with Jump The Line

We collaborate with Jump The Line

That is the motto of JUMP THE LINE. A project that was born from the hand of a group of entrepreneurship and innovation students. Today, the project has grown beyond the university and has a multicultural team in various cities in Spain and Italy. In March 2021, we...